Oh wow, that story of the man and the Chabad rabbi gave me goosebumps. Really beautiful.

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Sep 20Liked by Thomas P. Balazs

I'm not sure if your son is still young enough to be at home, but if he is, a good reason to do Jewish stuff even when you're not "feeling" it, is to set an example for him. And it's fine to explain to him that even though you may not be excited about certain obligations right now, you feel it's important to maintain certain traditions anyway. That way, you're not being hypocritical.

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Love the header photo. Very clever.

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I remember the Monkees. We used to watch re-runs.

Hey hey we’re the monkees. People say we’re monkeying around but we’re too busy singing to put anybody down. Just trying to be friendly… that’s all I remember.

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Here’s a question. When people talk about G-d, like in the sense of a drawing, so you think the common response is unknowingly a representation of Zeus?

Why would G-d be an old man with a white beard… kind of random.

Top of my head I think of G-d as avinu malkeinu. Our father, our king.

The drawings are more Heidi’s grandfather/Santa Claus. Doesn’t speak to me.

Do you remember St. Elsewhere? I have the vaguest memories of it. There was one episode where a character has a near death experience and meets G-d. And G-d looks like him, same pale yellow button shirt, same face etc. I guess because it is said that we were made in G-d’s image. That’s more fascinating and relevant to me than a grey bearded version of G-d.

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